
Freaky Deaky Crime Boss Sells Defective Tickets

Today on October 23, 2019, a strange report came from the leader of Freaky Deaky. Disco Donnie made an announcement via Twitter saying that someone is scamming people trying to go to Freaky Deaky. Don’t worry if you bought an online ticket, because those are still valid.

Apparently, someone stole hard copy tickets for Freaky Deaky and ran off with them. This man’s name is Abid Rehmat, and he committed a felony by doing this. In fact, a police report has already been made. Apart from stealing, he made some ticket sales on his own. However, he turned off the barcodes, making the ticket useless and invalid. In the announcement by Disco Donnie, he says to either get your money back or to contact Donnie. This way he can include names of people that bought tickets in the police report. There was a subsequent tweet saying that this isn’t even the first time this guy has done it. According to ILLfest, he did the same thing to them. So, this isn’t the first time Abid has scammed people trying to go to festivals.

In conclusion, we hope that the justice system serves this person right. Hopefully anybody that bought tickets from him still gets to go to Freaky Deaky, as well. If you’re among this group of people that bought from Abid Rehmat, get your money back immediately or report it to the police. This scene is all about peace and love, not taking advantage of others. Help each other out and remember, come in peace or don’t come at all.

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