[WATCH] Madeon’s Good Faith DJ Set at TwitchCon


TwitchCon is a big party to meet streamers, play games, watch esports, get new merch and more. The event took place this last weekend in San Diego. The event not only featured big Twitch streamers, but major names in music also showed up to perform. Scheduled performers included Blink-182, Lil Nas X, Madeon, and more. Luckily, TwitchCon has been streaming most of their events, and that included Madeon’s DJ set on the second day.

Since it was a DJ set, Madeon had a lot of creative freedom to feel out what he wanted to play the crowd. He isn’t bound to playing his own songs and even put in tracks by Kanye West and Arctic Monkeys. Despite all the different genres, the sound of the set was still very cohesive and enjoyable. There was also an ID at 17:55 that fans may want to take note of. The video from TwitchCon also features the visuals edited with the live video footage which makes for an even more unique set.

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