
How Music Festivals Can Come Back Sustainably

Ascendance Sustainable Events is Miami’s first sustainable event consulting company. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the planet has been resting. When our massives come back to life, here is a 15-page guide on how to come back more sustainably.

This is being offered in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Ascendance has orchestrated sustainability programs for venues and events up to 50,000 attendees including Rakastella Music Festival. the founder also previously worked for Ultra Music Festival.

In fact, Rakastella’s ‘Keep Her Wild’ environmental protection campaign became the most eco-conscious undertaking by any Miami EDM event. Now, we don’t know when the green light will shine on the industry again. But when it comes, we can be bigger, badder, and better for the planet too.

This guide gives event organizers the tools needed to start re-strategizing their events in a more sustainable manner. It also details why they should care and various eco-friendly practices. Ascendance hopes to inspire change in event operations and guest experiences, to impact the planet in a better way. I’m sure we would all love to dance freely, not over a bunch of beer cups and cans.

“Our planet is having the best rest it has ever received from human activity in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. While that’s no cause for celebration, it is a wake-up call for all of us – including event organizers – to think about how we can not only step lightly back onto the planet when this is over, but grow new awareness and action around sustainability. While all events will have the ability to do this when they return, I believe that music events, in particular, have a superpower for creating positive influence.” – Vivian Belzaguy, founder of Ascendance

To receive a copy of Ascendance’s ‘Gift to the Planet‘, you can download it here free of charge.
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