HARD Summer Wants To Get You Wet In Their Pools & Water Installations


HARD Summer""

A franchise like HARD knows that at the end of July, HARD Summer can turn into HOT Summer rather quickly. So, in order to combat the summer heat, HARD has announced that water installations, as well as two swimming pools, will make debut appearances at the 2016 edition of the festival.

HARD Summer has overseen a number of alterations made to the festival this year, with the most significant being a change in venue. Now taking place at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, HARD Summer will also make room to accommodate two swimming pools, one for General Admission, and one for VIP ticket holders. In addition to the pools, HARD will also showcase a number of water features such as Water Walks, Palm Tree Misters, Free Water Stations, Cooling Garages and Misting Stations.

While engaging in any activity that involves prolonged exposure to the sun, it is important to stay cool, and hydrated, in order to combat the negative effects of heat stress. HARD Summer’s newly added water stations will be a welcomed addition to the two-day escapade taking place July 30th thru 31st. With the festival’s commencement a mere ten days away, the expectations and anticipation for HARD Summer have never been higher. Whether you’re camping on site, or have made other accommodations, be sure to pack a bathing suit (birthday suits not permitted) and get wet this year at HARD Summer! You know you want to… *winks*.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit HARD’s official website, here.

Photo Credit: Oh Dag Yo Photo