Autograf – Simple (PLS&TY Remix)


Autograf Simple PLS&TY Remix

Autograf – Simple (PLS&TY Remix)

Earlier this summer, Chicago trio Autograf thrilled fans by dropping the fantastic chilled out track ‘Simple‘ together with vocalist Victoria Zaro.  Naturally, such an amazing track was going to be treated to countless remixes. Out of all of them, the one standout remix would definitely have to be created by up and coming producer PLS&TY.

The last we heard from him, he dropped his sweet track ‘Run Wild‘. And as great as that track was, this remix is just as good. While the original is a masterpiece in its own right, PLS&TY takes that and makes it even better. And the best thing is that he is releasing his remix as a free download. So grab your copy below and keep an eye for more of his big moves in the near future.

Autograf – Simple (PLS&TY Remix) | Free Download