Deadmau5 Unveils 4 New Tunes in Preparation for Upcoming 2-Disc 25 Track Album Release


It’s been just shy of a month since Deadmau5 announced his two disc 25 track album was done, and the hype just doesn’t stop building. Fans, and probably some of the haters, are eagerly awaiting for it to drop; Deadmau5 Live users are also hoping he’ll upload the album for free streaming and download there. In the meantime though, he’s just unveiled 4 new tracks on his live site. Or rather, 4 music files, each representing songs in the making or previews of what may be on his album.


Among these new uploads are 71C, Petting Zoo, Heavy Petting Zoo, and most recently 72C. Petting zoo gets off with soothing set of synths and a steady kick drum, then builds very cleanly. It doesn’t really go anywhere substantial but it’s a great start for a work-in-progress tune. 72C continues with the similar set of sounds but more of a rock vibe and more emphasis on drums and guitar. It’s a nice fusion of dance and rock sounds but again, is still a work in progress sounding tune; the final may possibly be part of the album, or just a random track he’ll treat subscribers to.

Petting Zoo is oddly fitting title. With an amusingly quirky synth loop and funky bass, it almost sounds like a joke. It’s a nice reminder of tracks like 8-bit though, and who knows what direction he could take it. “Heavy” Petting Zoo is a totally different beast. Petting Zoo sounds like a track that would have goats, baby kangaroos and maybe a variety of guinea pigs, while Heavy Petting Zoo sounds like a place where gorillas, lions, and crocodiles are kept (if that makes any sense). This upload feels the most complete of the 4; a dark intro and grungy sounding track, similar to Cthulhu, that is accompanied by some ominous vocals in the back, broken up with a wobble hear and there and some of Mau5’s famously analog synth builds. Oh and of course a wonderful cow “Mooooo” at the end of each wind up before the cycle starts over again. The BPM also speeds up and slows down over its timeline, giving it some variance.

Hopefully these experimental uploads are reminiscent of the sounds that will be on his album, and if that’s the case then get ready for one banging mixed bag of goodies. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out his Nyan themed Ferrari, you may want to take a look.